The Steeven Orr Else Podcast is a one man nerd show in which I talk about the books and comics I've read, the movies and TV shows I've watched, and whatever else manages to claw itself into my easily distracted brain.

You can find the episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and anywhere else podcasts are played.

Or just go to the site HERE.

Join me each week as I take you through most of the major Marvel and DC events one issue at a time.

Can I do it? Or will I crack up first? Either way, it should be a fun listen.

You can find the episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and anywhere else podcasts are played.

Or just go to the site HERE.

My Other Podcast is a Patreon exclusive podcast that releases twice a week.

Two episodes of about fifteen to twenty minutes every Monday and Friday in which I talk about comics, my life, music, movies, television, and whatever slides into my head just as I hit Record.

What that means is that for as little as a dollar a month, you'll get up to eight bonus episodes. That's twelve and a half cents per episode. You just can't beat a bargain like that.

Except for free. But then, you're getting the Steeven Orr Else and the Event Orr Else podcasts for free, which is pretty sweet.

And hey, if all you want to do is listen to the Steeven Orr Else and the Event Orr Else podcasts then more power to you. I love that you're listening to either show, and frankly, that brings me joy.

But, if you want even more of me each week for some reason, then become a Patron and you will get immediate access to new episodes as well as the old ones. Just click on the logo there below, and you'll be on your way.

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